Dear Parents, Our online Sunday School services are continuing to be offered online. Starting June 29 the Sunday School service will be as follow Saturday: from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm. Sunday: from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm. Wednesday: Mahragan groups from 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm. Thursday: Hymn Classes are as previously scheduled for…
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Help SK Feed the Poor Bake Sale Was Amazing!
Our beautiful children in SK held a bake sale this past week to raise money for the poor. A large number of children and servants participated to support the bake sale, and, they were sold out before the end of Sunday School. God Bless this beautiful effort and may we continue to grow closer to…
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Grade 1&2 Drama Performance at the Mahragan Regional
Our Grade 1&2 (in the past calendar year) have performed extremely well during the Regional Competitions of the Mahragan 2019. We are extremely proud of them and wanted to share their performance with all you. God Bless, we pray that many of our kids participate next year and display their talents with us. To watch…
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The March Break Evening Camp was a Success
The Sunday School March break evening camp was a great success, a large number of participants have joined and enjoyed the activities, crafts and plays held at Church from Monday to Thursday. A lot of effort were put into the preparation by our beautiful group of committed servants - May God bless them. On Friday,…
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The Sunday School February Confession Day Was a Big Success!!
[bt_bb_section layout="boxed_1200" lazy_load="yes"][bt_bb_row][bt_bb_column width="1/1"][bt_bb_text] Through God's blessing, the Sunday School February Confession Day held last Saturday was a big success. It was attended by a large number of our children who started the day by attending the Holy Liturgy together. [/bt_bb_text][/bt_bb_column][/bt_bb_row][bt_bb_row][bt_bb_column width="1/1"][bt_bb_separator top_spacing="normal" bottom_spacing="small" border_style="solid" border_width="" responsive="" publish_datetime="" expiry_datetime="" el_id="" el_class="" el_style=""][/bt_bb_separator][bt_bb_text] Our Grade 1…
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The Raptors Event Was A Success
Through God's blessing, we were able to send 28 children from our Sunday School Grade 5&6 classes to the Raptors game against the Denver Nuggets. The Raptors did lose the game by 3 points, however, our children really enjoyed this very unique experience. They wore the St Mary Basketball uniform and stood as Anthem Buddies…
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